China Home Page
Our present affiliates or co-service partners locate in Beijing, Shanghai,Xiamen.
We firstl provide company registration services.
Help you design suitable organization like a subsidiary or branch or representative.
Help you find out register addres. Help you get special industry permission.
Help you apply work permit.
After getting company certificate, we provide 4 in 1 services.We undertake four functions including accounting and tax, treasury and web-banking maker, payroll compliance and cloud system provider.
WFOE ( wholly foreign owned enterprise) clients in China area can outsource these 4 functions to us.
Your WFOEin China even need not to recruit any local accountant, Treasury, payroll handler when adopting our services.
Fraud-proof,Seamless collaboration,Hassle-freeare our service features.
Our present clients are located around almost all of China as below:
Beijing, Shanghai, Xiamen,Guangzhou, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, Kinghua City, Anhui Hsiang Zhen City, Jiangxi Hueichang City, Shandong Tszbao City, Hubei Hsiangfan City,Shenzhen City, Chongqing City, Harbin City.
In China, infrastructure for cloud accounting services has been fully mature from 2004. China government authorities have installed optical fiber extensively and in widespread areas to broaden bandwidth even in the third-tier cities.
In China, we provide all single series services including company registration, accounting and payroll compliance except providing a virtual office.
We also provide all service packages A, B and C series.
We have designed a China New Start Up Service Package and its quotation for your China operation.
Contact us by below:
sales.xiamen@evershinecpa.com : Xiamen, Guangzhou and South China Area:
sales.beijing@evershinecpa.com : Beijing and other Northern China Area:
sales.shanghai@evershinecpa.com : Shanghai and other Eastern China area:
kerrychen@evershinecap.com : Evershine Headquarter
If your subsidiary is in Xiamen,or Other South China Area, try below:
Xiamen Evsrshine BPO Service Corp.:
Room 724,Bainaohui Building,No.76Hubin South Rd., Siming District,Xiamen City. PRC
E-mail: sales.xiamen@evershinecpa.com
Mr.Bing Weng, Graduated from UK Graduate School, Speaking in fluent English
TEL: +86-592-223-9172
If your subsidiary is in Beijing or other Northern Area, try below:
Beijing Evershine BPO service Limited corp.
17D, Oriental Kenzo Apartment C, No. 48 Dongzhimen Outer St.Dongcheng District, Beijing
Located at Exit of MRT Line #2 Dongzhimen Station
E-mail: sales.beijing@evershinecpa.com
Manager Zoe Zhou, Speaking in English
Tel: +86-10-84549221
If your subsidiary is in Shanghai or other Eastern China Area, try below:
Shanghai Evershine BPO Service Limited.
Room 917, 9F, Building B, NO. 288, Hongjin Rd., Minhang District, Shanghai, PRC, 201103
Located at MRT Line #10, LongPo New Village Station
E-mail: sales.shanghai@evershinecpa.com
Manager Weilun Tu
Office telephone: +86-21- 6402-0100
If you want to contact with Evershine Headquarter ,try below:
Evershine CPAs Firm
6th Floor ,378, Chang Chung Rd, Taipei City, R.O.C.
E-mail: kerrychen@evershinecpa.com
Miss Kerry Chen, well English speaker, Graduated from USA Graduate School
TEL: +886-2-27170515 #204
Skype: oklahomekerry