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Design Principles

Collaborative platform must be web-based version

Only web-based platform could support a collaborative process among different office locations and among client staff and Evershine Staff .

Security measures must be based on each online user
Collaborative web-platform considers each online user as a security unit. Data processing like key-in, updating, or queries all are based on each online user as a security unit. That means one online user can not see the information that belongs to another online user.

Web-platform needs to support online operation
Collaborative web-platform must allow the person involved in a transaction to key-in or update the correct information at the time the transaction happened and at the location it occurred. In addition, that document must be reviewed and authorized by the relevant person. After being approved, the information must be passed through the next work flow to be picked up.

The revision of a once approved document needed to use another form.
Once a form document has been approved, if someone would like to revise the content of that document, he/she needs to use another form. The original cannot be overwritten directly without leaving a track record.

Information security measures must be secure and safe
Now that the collaborative web-platforms are built on the Internet, information security needed to be very secure and safe. Therefore, user personal identification, encryption when transmitting data on the Internet, database back-up and disaster recovery, etc must be adopted.

The approved up-flow document must become part of the to-do list of next flow process
Once an up-flow document has been approved, it must become part of the to-do list of the next work flow. That means when making a next-flow document, one can pick up the data information from approved last-flow documents. That would avoid doubly key-in, double review and double checking. The data flow can accessed, amended and processed from the beginning to the end. Data files produced by the web-based platforms can be uploaded into a web-based banking authorization system.

After an applicant sends out a form, it must be reviewed or approved by the authorized person assigned by clien.
It can be reviewed or approved anywhere and anytime.